On the location of the interpolation nodes in piecewise polynomial approximation /

Josue, Thea S.

On the location of the interpolation nodes in piecewise polynomial approximation / Thea S. Josue - 2000 - 49 leaves

Thesis, Undergraduate (BS Applied Mathematics) -- U. P. in Mindanao

The main objective of the study was to determine which among the three methods of locating the interpolation nodes, that is, the equally spaced points, the Chebyshev points, and the Aresine points, makes a good fit over particular functions. Six representative test functions were interpolated using piecewise polynomial interpolation such as the linear and cubic each having degree in equal to 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, and 30. Comparison of the error associated with the location of the nodes was done. The numerical experiment showed that there was no uniformly best method for the test functions used. However, the exponential functions, all performed well. Moreover, in oscillating functions, all performed very well but Chebyshev points did better than the rest.

Undergraduate Thesis --AMAT200
University of the Philippines Mindanao
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