Philippine ecotourism park: promoting sustainable tourism for a holistic avifauna experience in Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park /

Collong, Franelli B.

Philippine ecotourism park: promoting sustainable tourism for a holistic avifauna experience in Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park / Franelli B. Collong - 2015 - 353 leaves

Thesis (BS Architecture) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, 2015

With Mt. Kitanglad Range (MKRNP) declared as a National Park, the management of MKRNP has the responsibility to educate people and conserve and protect it biodiversity. Focusing on birdwatching as the tourism product, this study aimed to devise architectural guidelines for developing MKRNP. There were two approaches on this study, a qualitative and a quantitative. The first, using qualitative approach by mapping, direct observations and key informant interviews, was to assess the current developments on birdwatching trails and the site and to observe the number of birds recoded during the visit. The second, using quantitative approach by using a questionnaire patterned from Protected Area Assessment Tool of World Wildlife Fund for the host community and the operators and a questionnaire for the preferences of birdwatchers in a diverse birdwatching experience. The strength, weaknesses and threats in developing MKRNP as a birdwatching destination was analyzed through SWOT, from the data gathered, to determine the opportunities for development. With the issues and existing opportunities from the birdwatching tourism abroad, the opportunities derived from the study was used to formulate architectural guidelines for the birdwatching tourism of MKRNP.

Architectural Design IX: Research Project in Architecture --ARCH191,
Architectural Design X: Architectural Design Project --ARCH192,
University of the Philippines Mindanao
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