Assessment of commercial production of catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in Los Amigos, Davao City, Philippines /

Oracion, Arnold M.,

Assessment of commercial production of catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in Los Amigos, Davao City, Philippines / Arnold M. Oracion; Harvey M. Niere, adviser - Davao City: School of Management, University of the Philippines Mindanao, c2016 - 67 leaves

Thesis (BS Agribusiness Economics)-- University of the Philippines Mindanao, June 2016

Aquaculture plays an important role in bridging the gap in fish supply and demand. It also provides livelihood opportunities and economic stabilization to communities. In Los Amigos, catfish farming is flourishing despite being a small scale enterprise. This study measured the profitability of catfish farming in one (1) production cycle by computing for the gross margin. Additionally, the relationship between selected socio-economic factors and the gross margin was analyzed and the constraints to production were identified. The results showed a total revenue of 91,175 pesos with a total variable cost of 63,675 pesos for tenants and 51,508 pesos for land owners. This suggests that catfish farming was profitable with a gross margin 27,500 pesos (tenants) and 39,667 pesos (land owners). The regression analysis showed that years of experience and education have significant relationship to the gross margin. The constraints of production identified were climate change, flooding, diseases, theft, and pests.

Undergraduate Thesis,--ABE 200b
University of the Philippines Mindanao
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