Growth and sporulation of Curvularia sp. isolated from sago palm (Metroxylon sagu rottb.) under various in vitro conditions /

Balucanag, Maria Christine B.

Growth and sporulation of Curvularia sp. isolated from sago palm (Metroxylon sagu rottb.) under various in vitro conditions / Maria Christine B. Balucanag - 2005 - 40 leaves

Thesis (BS Biology) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, 2005

In vitro growth and sporulation of Curvularia sp. under varying conditions, namely light, temperature, and pH as well as on different axenic media were studied. Mycelial growth was lowest in Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) cultures under continuous light than in alternating 12-hr light and 12-hr darkness and continuous darkness but spore production was highest in the former. Fungus growth and spore production was highest in acidic medium (pH 5.62) followed by those on pH 6.62 and least at pH 7.62. No significant differences in fungal colony growth and spore production were observed between culture incubated under room temperature (272oC) and cultures kept at daytime air-conditioned room (252oC). Mycelial growth was biggest and spore production was highest with cultures grown on Czapeck's Dox Modified Agar (CMDA), followed with cultures in Sago Leaf Decoction Agar (SLDA) and PDA while least and lowest with cultures grown in Malt Extract Agar (MEA).

Undergraduate Thesis --BIO200,
University of the Philippines Mindanao
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