Breaking the cage of limitations: a strategic plan for RNF Poultry Farm /

Galaura, Joseph Q.,

Breaking the cage of limitations: a strategic plan for RNF Poultry Farm / Joseph Q. Galaura; Larry N. Digal, Glory Dee A. Romo, advisers - 2018 - 69 leaves

Thesis (Master in Management) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, December 2018

It is typical for a company to diversify its market and product portfolio to excite the customers that are waiting to meet their needs. This motivating marketing activity is not in the attention of RNF Poultry Industry because it is limited to serving only a single customer with contract of service, the Integrator. RNF Poultry Farm is a contract grower of chicken (broiler type) currently in partnership with integrator San Miguel Foods, Inc. this poultry farm belongs to one of the business unit of RNF Industries Corporation hence the contract agreement reflects the name of the mother company. Despite the corporate objectives and the owner's aim to offer to more potential markets, the poultry farm is still very reliant to the Integrator because of the benefit, especially to the aspect of finance since the poultry farm is generating profit from the contract. In its start of operates however, the poultry farm experienced downfall due to operational errors caused by leadership and manpower issues resulting to negative revenue. The proactive move spearheaded by Human Resources and other departments then made a significant leap in revenue of the farm recuperating its financial status to 4% in 2017 profit margin from -6% in 2015. Strategies on how to at least hit or exceed the target productivity measures is analyzed in this paper by scrutinizing all the factors that will contribute to achievement of the business unit and the mother company?s corporate objectives. Cost Leadership was found the strategy of choice.

Policy and Strategic Planning,--M241
University of the Philippines Mindanao
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