Laguitao, Kim O.

An assessment on objective and subjective aspects of housing for the elderly / Kim O. Laguitao; Angelo Felix N. Regalado, adviser - 2018 - 260 leaves


The study aims to create new set of design guidelines as a new guide for designing a housing community development, particularly designed for elderly users based on their design preferences and accessibility restrictions. Primarily, the general problem that this study tried to answer is the lack of design interventions in current housing development that would greatly benefits the elderly users. Three housing subdivisions were picked as study areas. Using socio-demographic profiling, interviews and surveys, preferential inputs from the target respondents were being assessed. Hence, an on-site observation, photo documentation, and target interviews were used to evaluate the user’s physical body functional profile and the housing conditions. Multiple regression was used for statistical treatment. The study found out that elderly , however, is adequately satisfied on the current conditions in their respective house units and the housing community they belong to, despite of all dissatisfaction on the other housing variables/factors such as building comfort and design, safety and security of the community, and the amenities offered.
Moreover, the priority users were more preferred to live in city’s outskirts areas that are safe and secured with a strong sense of privacy .Thus, they preferred to have a closer access to stores,chapel ,and health-related facilities over other things. In addition, they love to have an access for gardening areas as their recreational place.
Furthermore, after an evaluation on the users’ physical body profile and physical housing conditions,the study found that the priority users have experienced more than two functional limitations such as visual impaIsidoro R. Malaque IIIent,limitation of stamina, reduced spine & lower extremity functions. In connection with, the most common environmental barriers existed in shelter units and its immediate surroundings are the narrow door openings, the insufficient maneuvering space in kitchen and toilet, the absence of ramps in entrances and waiting shed. However, the study found out too that the accessibility condition in the user’s shelter units and in the community is not totally severe in all study areas despite of the existed user’s functional limitations and the environmental barriers.

Architectural Design IX: Research Project in Architecture--ARCH191
Architectural Design X: Architectural Design Project--ARCH192