Catabas, Anton Rey T.

Field testing of tilt-up papercrete panel walling system in design and construction / Anton Rey T. Catabas; Alexis Ken S. Cartagenas, adviser - 2018 - 148 leaves


Finding a sustainable material that reduces harmful effects to the environment is highly appreciated in construction industry. Several discoveries of an alternative material that is eco-friendly and reduces different waste that poses a threat to the environment are rampant in the present studies. A relatively new building material called papercrete uses waste paper as its major ingredient and mixes it together with cement to form an alternative material. Different additives can be added to its component to improve its quality behaviour such as rice hull and cassava starch.
The study used papercrete material into tilt-up panel walling system. The research aimed to test and study the field performance of papercrete wall panels in terms of design and construction. It identified the process and procedure of papercrete wall panel production from manufacturing to installation.
Data were documented and analyzed based on the performance of papercrete wall panels upon the planning, manufacturing and construction. Panel moulds design greatly affects the quality of manufactured panels. Moulds should be properly designed to come up with better results in making the panels. External factors like weather, also affects the production and curing of the materials and should properly be attended to while curing. Papercrete wall panels are proven to be a less expensive material. Papercrete wall panels are also proven to be a light weight material. The standard curing period of 28 days is not enough for a whole panel to be characterized as a rigid material.

Architectural Design IX: Research Project in Architecture--ARCH191
Architectural Design X: Architectural Design Project--ARCH192