Physiology of exercise and healthy aging / Albert W. Taylor, PhD, DSc; Univeristy of Western Ontario, editor. - Second Edition - xiii, 393 p. ill. 27cm

Preceded by Physiology of exercise and healthy aging / Albert W. Taylor, Michel J. Johnson. c2008. MS Salazar (Recommending faculty) AY2022-2023

Includes bibliographical references and index.

"This text is written explicitly for readers with an interest in the aging process and the effects that exercise has on the quality of life and various diseases and maladies of the aging population. It is expected that the readers using this book as a course textbook or as auxiliary reading for a course, will have taken at least an introductory course in human physiology. The text refers throughout to the three groups in the aging and health spectrum, average aging individuals, the frail elderly and Masters Athletes"--


Healthy Aging--physiology

Exercise Physiology I--SS140



WT 104