Morales, Sherrie Gaile R.

Animal sanctuary: promoting the adoption of shelter animals in Davao City through human animal interaction / Sherrie Gaile R. Morales; Isioro R. Malaque III, adviser - 2019 - 198 leaves


When adopting animals, people are more likely to choose those which act
healthy, energetic, and happy. However, social isolation and spatial
restriction in the cages can negatively affect the behavior of these animals.
Staying at a shelter for an extended time may cause the animals to become
less interested in their surroundings and to choose to spend more time in the
very back of their cages. These behaviors may make them less attractive to
potential adopters. Fortunately, human contact and interaction has been
shown to be an effective enrichment for these animals housed in cages. This
study examined the level of human-interaction that increases the adoption of
shelter animals, particularly between animals and pet owners, non-pet
owners and animal experts. For pet owners, activities such as playing
(22.60%), walking (20.50%), and training (16.90%) were the most preferred.
For non-pet owners, activities such as playing (23.50%), walking (19.00%),
and petting (16.70%) were the most preferred. The pet owners and non-pet
owners’ percent willingness to adopt shelter animals were also determined.
Pet owners (83.00%) were more willing to adopt shelter animals than non-pet owners (79.60%). For pet owners, they were most likely to adopt a shelter
animal if it is sociable (28.60%), have a compatible personality with them
(28.20%), or if trained (21.40%). For non-pet owners, they are most likely to
adopt a shelter animal if it is trained (33.10%), have a compatible personality
with them (28.10%), or if groomed (19.40%). From this, areas that promote
human-animal interaction such as socialization areas, gardens, parks and
training areas were provided. Doing these activities with animals, shelter
animals in particular, in these areas would improve their behavior and
morale. This improvement in the animal’s behavior could greatly increase
their chances of adoption because potential adopters tend to adopt animals
that look happy and energetic. Other amenities that were provided are the
veterinary clinic, grooming salon✓parlor, pet shop, petting zoo, pet hotel, pet
cemetery, and pet café. All these amenities cater to pet owners, non-pet
owners, and animal experts.

Architectural Design IX: Research Project in Architecture --ARCH191
Architectural design X: Architectural Design Project--ARCH192