Paronda, Nel A.

Coral reef rehabilitation resource and recreational facility : towards community responsive ecotourism / Nel A. Paronda - 2009 - 142 leaves

Thesis (BS Architecture) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, 2009

The third law of nature states that "there no such thing as free lunch". Everything on earth are related to each other and every cause and effect done with nature and by nature are considered to be for balance, but, unfortunately sometimes nature play for its own. Marine ecosystem is one of the biomes considered to be threatened and few organisms living on that environment are endangered because of the anthropogenic activities done by humans into it which pollute and destroy its natural form. This book acknowledges the importance of the marine ecosystem into built environment, giving them the chance to be rehabilitated, and preserved for its passive function of cleaning up the atmosphere. Also, this book aims to magnify the potential of the community living within the natural environment to protect and be guided with the natural importance and use of the marine ecosystem. It also guarantees that the natural environment can be preserved and open to be observed by people for awareness as part of the ecotourism program of the place. The project will be developing to the preference of the community and the natural need of the place. Mainly, the project will cater diving tourist and support their needs by providing adequate support facilities which are environmentally sustainable, economically viable, and socially-equitable in order to bring about development as a whole.

Architectural Design IX: Research Project in Architecture --ARCH191,
Architectural Design X: Architectural Design Project --ARCH192,