Oponda, Albert Niel L.

Web-based information system for on-line automation of processes involving student organizations of the University of the Philippines Mindanao / Albert Niel L. Oponda - 2010 - 137 leaves.

Thesis (BS Computer Science) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, 2010

A web-based system that facilitated the communications and transactions between the Office of Student Affairs and the different student organizations in UP Mindanao was developed in this day. The system was developed using the sashimi model and was implementing using the Apache HTTP server, MySQL database, and interpreters for PHP components of XAMPP. The input requirements of the system were official forms, student data, faculty data, and student organization data. The general users of the system were the system administrator, OSA staff members, organizations adviser, organization officers, organization members, and other students. Each was provided with a module that managed the functions that were allowed of them. Graphical user interfaces (GUI) facilitated the use of these functions. The system was tested using data of students, faculty, and student organizations of UP Mindanao. The system provided student organizations with OSA forms through Internet download. It allowed student organizations an on-line submission of requirements for recognition and renewal of recognition, reporting of implemented activities; downloading of archive files; and viewing of archive files, list of implemented activities, roster of members and officers, and public profile of an organization. It allowed the organization advisers to make an online review and approval of reports made by organization officers. It also facilitated OSA?s annual evaluation of performance of an organization

UPMin student organizations
On-line automation
Sashimi model
OSA transactions

Undergraduate Thesis --CMSC200,