Salamanes, Marian L.

Morphological characterization of the palm weevils associated with sago in the Philippines / Marian L. Salamanes - 2010 - 99 leaves.

Thesis (BS Biology) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, 2010

One hundred forty individuals of weevils under the genus Rhynchophorus were reckoned from sago palms in Agusan del Sur, Agusan del Norte, Davao City, and Cebu City. Thirty nine variants were observed based on the color pattern on their thoraces and were arbitrarily classified into 5 major forms namely: Striped, Dotted, Black-shaded, Maple Leaf-Shaped, and Bilateral Symmetry Pattern. The last three from-groups are erstwhile undocumented showing color patterns distinct from the common red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus and the striped palm weevil, Rhynchophorus schach. Thirty one out of the 39 forms characterized were found in Cebu while 10 were reckoned from Mindanao. Morphometrics was done on each sample. The weevils collected averaged at a length of 29.8 mm and 11.9 mm in width. Determination whether the morphotypes are a case of one polymorphic species., sexual dimorphism or if there are distinct species in the collections remains to be investigated. Molecular characterization will resolve such uncertainties. The discovery of new morphotypes indicates that there is a wide array of weevil forms inhabiting the country particularly in Cebu and Mindanao

R. ferrugineus
R. schach
Sexual dimorphism
Sago palm

UNdergraduate Thesis --BIO200,