Janiola, Janice Ann M.

UP education and the religiosity of UP Mindanao students/ Janice Ann M. Janiola. - 98 leaves; 29 in.

Thesis, Undergraduate (BA Social Sciences) - UP Mindanao

The study of "UP Education and the religious beliefs of UP Mindanao Students" was conducted as an undergraduate thesis requirement for the degree of Bachelor Arts in Social Science. Its purpose was to find out whether the students of UP Mindanao had a change in religiosity, before and after they enrolled and stayed in the university for three to four years. The study assumes that UP Liberalism may influence the religious beliefs and practices of the students. The method used in the study was the non-experimental research method, focusing more on the descriptive aspect of the method. It used two sets of survey questionnaires to get the appropriate data. The data analyzed was a result of comparing the percentage distribution of the respondents' responses. In conclusion, the data showed that there was a slight change in the religiosity of the students in UP Mindanao. The said change was evident in the change in religious beliefs rather than in practices. They attributed this to their exposure to subjects that they consider humanistic and liberal. These subjects made the students ponder on alternative beliefs.The respondents then began to be confused and started assessing their ideologies.
