Comidoy, Merle Dawn S.,

Sustaining pro-poor education : a strategic management plan for Asian Business Cabletow Cooperative Academy (ABCCA), Inc. / Merle Dawn S. Comidoy; Larry N. Digal, Aurelia LUzviminda V. Gomez, advisers - 2017 - 60 leaves

Thesis (Master in Management) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, June 2017

The Asian Business Cabletow Cooperative Academy (ABCCA), Inc. is a non-profit Technical Vocational institution (TVI) in Cagayan de Oro City (CDO). It was founded in 2007 to provide affordable and free education (through scholarship grants among financially challenged families. The recent thrusts of the Philippine government in implementing Technical Vocational and Education Training (TVET) programs through the K to 12 education curriculum, and the free tuition for State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in higher education, have challenged ABCCA in terms of sustaining its partnership with government and private stakeholders particularly that there are more TVIs present now in CDO. ABCCA has also been affected by the political scenario in CDO in terms of availing scholarship both from the national and local governments. The modified ABCDE Strategic Planning Model of Stephen G. Haines was the conceptual framework used in this study in assessing and evaluating ABCCA?s performance, and coming up with strategies for the organization to achieve its vision. A strength, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities (SWOT) analysis matrix was used in assessing the internal and external factors that are affecting the organization. Strategic options were then identified and matched with specific implementing programs for the implementation of the strategies. All data were gathered through face-to-face interview, email and phone interview. Actual visitation of the institution was done in order to see the day to day operations of ABCCA and the facilities and equipment of its technical vocational and education training (TVET) programs. in order to sustain the vision of ABCCA to provide an affordable and free education for the financially- challenged families and youths, five strategies were identified encompassing the main concern of ABCCA in its human resource, marketing, finance, and operations. 1. Tap the available scholarship grants provided by the government through TESDA and look for more private partners/stakeholders in order to provide more education opportunities to financially-challenged individuals. 2. Create a marketing plan in order for ABCCA to attract more enrollees and partners/stakeholders and promote the best practices/services of the organization as both an accredited TVI and assessment center. 3. Establish a data management system that would document existing students and graduates of ABCCA. The success stories of the graduates would help boost the marketing strategy of ABCCA. 4. Improve the human resource aspect of the organization to fully utilize the potentials of its employees. 5. Improve collection performance of ABCCA.

Policy and Strategic Planning, --M241