Manuel, Carl Einstein G.

A rapid survey of seagrasses in Talicud Island, Davao Gulf / Carl Einstein G. Manuel - 2003 - 43 leaves

Thesis (BS Biology) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, 2003

Species composition distribution, and relative abundance of seagrasses were investigated in three sampling sites around Talicud Island. The growth rates of the most abundant species of seagrasses were also determined. Five species of seagrasses were collected namely: mThalassia hemprichii, cymodocea rotundata, cymodocea serrulata, halophile ovalis, and syringodium isoetofolium. Among these, thalassia hemprichii and cymodocea rotundata were present in all the sites probably due to their adaptive nature. Results acquired in Similarity Index revealed that sites 1 and 3 shared almost the same type m of species (86%), which may be attributed to the similarities in physical conditions of the sites, bot being sheltered from monsoon patterns. However, lower similarity was observed between Sites 1 and 2 (67%) and Sites 2 and 3 (57%) probably due to exposure of Site 2 to northeastern monsoon. The growth rates of C. rotundata and T. hemprichii were highest in Site 2, which was an exposed area as compared to Sites 1 and 3, which were sheltered areas. This result may be accounted for the exposure of Site 2 to wave action that favors the increase in nutrient availability to a certain extent since faster water currents and exposure to a very strong wave may reduce nutrient availability thereby promoting nutrient losses and preventing nutrient accumulation

Undergraduate Thesis --BIO200,