Abellar, Kareen Joy P.

Online information system on residential units for UP Mindanao students / Kareen Joy P. Abellar - 2005 - 46 leaves

Thesis (BS Computer Science) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, 2005

This online system has three main users which are students or other UP Mindanao constituents who are searching for a living quarter, owners and the administrator. It displays relevant information about different residential units in the vicinity of Bago Oshiro, Tugbok District and Mintal in Davao City. Before posting information regarding their units, owners are required to register first. Owners can log in using their username and password to edit or to put additional facts about their boarding houses. To avoid difficulty in finding a living quarter, the system is capable of generating the top three residential units which they may fit through answering the questionnaire posted in the system. Administrator can also log in to edit the information online. The system also includes message board for posting comments or announcements. This online system is helpful for students since it is easier for them to look for a residential unit instead of visiting each living quarter in Bago Oshiro and Mintal

Undergraduate Thesis --CMSC200,