Sevilla, Jehanna S.

Contour map of the dissolved oxygen concentration near the property coastline of the Franklin Baker Company (using Ordinary Kriging Interpolation) / Jehanna S. Sevilla - 2005 - 72 leaves

Thesis (BS Applied Mathematics) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, 2005

Water quality study is a vital part of management planning for municipalities, industrial discharges, and landowners. Data visualization in the form of contouring was used in showing the spatial relationship of the data; the relationships of stations close together compared to those far apart. Spatial interpolation in the form of ordinary kriging was used to generate contour maps of the dissolved oxygen at 1m- and 10m-depths for flood and ebb tide near the property coastline of the Franklin Baker Company. Four interpolation models were developed to interpolate the values of 100 predetermined points. The values obtained were used to produce the contour maps using S-Plus 2000 software (Mathsoft Inc., 1999). The contour map produced were compared to the ones obtained by Nanola (1998) and the result showed slight difference. Though there were existing softwares that use similar procedures, these softwares are commercially available, expensive, and not all are user friendly. Thus, the result show that unknown values at known locations can be predicted manually when these not readily available. Moreover, salinity and direction of the current affect the dissolved oxygen at different stations. Dissolved oxygen values get higher during flood tide even in areas where salinity values are high.

Undergraduate Thesis --AMAT200,