Polinar, Rona Marie D.

A working space for sequence alignment and detecting informative sites / Rona Marie D. Polinar - 2005 - 69 leaves

Thesis (BS Computer Science) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, 2005

This project developed software that will provide a working space for sequence alignment thereby identifying insertion/deletion (indel) occurrence and automatically detect informative sites of DNA sequences. The software accepts at least two DNA sequences of different species as input data. In sequence alignment, the user has the full control of the data. Deletion and insertion are the two main types of operations that can be done on the given sequences. After every modification, the system does recording on the indel occurrence accordingly. To detect informative sites, each position in the sequence data is compared extensively. Furthermore, the software also determines the consensus sequence as well as computes the codon position of each indel and informative sites. The software can contribute to molecular biology by creating an efficient tool for the researchers

Undergraduate Thesis --CMSC200,