Bayabos, Marie Claire G.

Nutritional status of sago (metroxylon sagu rottb.)in its natural habitat and of coconut (cocos nucifera l.) in adjoining areas / Rotsen Marie Claire G.Bayabos. - 2006 - 41 leaves

Thesis (BS Biology) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, 2006

The nutrient status of sago in its natural habitat and of coconut in the adjoining areas in Tagbayangbang and Mambalili in the municipality of Bunawan and Libuac in the municipality of Rosario, Agusan del Sur was determined. Soil analysis and leaf diagnosis were the methods used in determining the nutritional status of sago and coconut palms, including water analysis for the former. Soil analysis revealed nutrient deficiencies of major elements, particularly N, P and Cl for coconut production, but the same soils appear to be suitable for sago basing from the verdant foliage and general vigor of the plant in its home environment. The high N and Cl contents in sago leaves revealed by foliar diagnosis seem to suggest that the palm can synthesize N and Cl well under conditions not suitable for coconut or other crops. The result parallels with field observations showing the poor growth of coconut in contrast to the robust and healthy stands of sago. Result of the leaf nutrient analysis of coconut also provided vital information on soil fertility and conditions on dry areas where sago cultivation is expected to be expanded. While soil analysis showed low to moderate soil fertility and neutral to acidic conditions, these seem not to pose hindrance to sago growth and development as the palm can thrive in areas with low levels of nutrient, as previously reported. The augmented water analysis that showed near neutral to neutral pH in the three sample sites did not reveal dramatic figures in the nutrient and physico-chemical analysis, supporting reports and general perception of the sago palm?s versatility in varied soil and wetland conditions


Undergraduate Thesis --BIO200,