Hinlo, Ma. Rheyda P.

Causes of Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi) mortality at the Philippine Eagle Center, Davao City from 1970-2006 - Mintal, Tugbok District 8022 Davao City, Philippines Office of Research, University of the Philippines Mindanao 2006

We conducted a retrospective study to identify the causes of mortality of Philippine Eagles admitted from the wild and those hatched in captivity at the Philippine Eagle Center / Philippine Eagle Research and Nature Center in Davao City from 1970-2006. Of the 40 mortalities recorded during this period, 36 (90%) were wild-caught and 4 (10%) were hatched in captivity. The cause of death for majority of the wild-caught birds was unknown (44.4%), followed by infectious disease (25%), metabolic and nutritional disease (16.7%) trauma (11.1%) and neoplasia (2.8%). Causes of mortality for the four captive-bred eagles were identified as congenital anomaly, metabolic disease, pneumonia and electrocution.

Philippine eagle
Monkey-eating eagle
Mindanao studies