Aligato, Trisha Ann Samantha S.

UP Mindanao University Student Council's Organizational image : a reception analysis / Trisha Ann Samantha S. Aligato - 91 leaves

Thesis, Undergraduate (BA Communication Arts) -- U. P. in Mindanao

As a pioneer that explored the organizational image of UP Mindanao's University Student Council, this research used the Public Relations tools of the council to identify students? reception on its projected image. Through the analysis of the internal and external public's reception on the activities organized by the council, the identified public relations tool of the researcher, the over-all image of the council was determined. Furthermore, this study discussed the coherence of the perception of the students, as an external public, and USC officers as its internal publics, to the principle and objectives of the council as stipulated in its constitution. The study used the Coordinated Management of Meanings Theory to analyze how both its internal and external publics co-construct the organizational image, creating their social reality, by both publics projected the image of the organization. This is a qualitative research that employed survey method among the 20% of the student?s population. Results showed that the over-all image of the council, as projected by its public relations tools promotes social awareness for the students and aims to develop students. It organized activities that are relevant for the student and the officers of the council. Attitudinal objectives set by the council were achieved through the students? ratings on the council?s performance; however, the positive ratings of the students did not translate to the attainment of its behavioral objectives, evident in the low participation from the students. In conclusion, the luck of effective public relations of the USC constricted the U

Communication Arts--Speech Communication