Panimdim, Ciara G.,

Price cointegration in the major tilapia aquaculture markets in the Philippines / Ciara G. Panimdim; Pedro A. Alviola, adviser - 2019 - 84 leaves

Thesis (BS Agribusiness Economics) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, May 2019

The rapid expansion of the Philippine aquaculture sector aided the stabilization of the country's fish supply as demand of aquaculture and fisheries products continuous in increase. Despite the performance, it was reported from previous studies that the development of the aquaculture sector is strained by pricing efficiency and the markets remained underdeveloped despite strong production. Thus, the aim of the study is to analyze the tilapia industry and determine the price movements between the major aquaculture markets of tilapia in the Philippines namely NCR, Region I, III, IV-B. hence, the study examined the vertical cointegration of monthly retail and wholesale price series of the major aquaculture markets of tilapia from years 1990-2017 using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test, Engle-Granger Causality Wald test and Error Correction Model. The result showed that the price series in NCR, Region III, and IV-B are generally cointegrated implying an efficiency in the market. Also, it was determine implying an efficiency in the market. Also, it was determined that there are no price leaders in NCR and Region III as the price series these regions showed bidirectional causality. However, Region IV-B price series exhibit independence in terms of price determination. With cointegrated retail ad market price series in NCR, Region III and IV-B; this result implies efficiency in the dissemination of market information. Furthermore, the results of the study may be used by industry stakeholders as basis in mapping out future prospects for the Philippine tilapia industry in the domestic and international markets.

Undergraduate Thesis --ABE 200b,